Your Turn Move Foundation is a story that inspires hope and aims to impact and transform people’s lives towards better, stronger and sustainable futures.  It is a story that reminds communities that it is their Turn to Move, be informed, be empowered, learn and become skilled to claim their rightful place in society and to create sustainable socio-economic opportunities.

At YTM we believe that communities have the potential to move from hardship to opportunity, move from despair to hope and move from poverty to sustainable socio-economic progression.

The YTM Service Model adopts the UBUNTU and Whole Family approach.  We believe that people are human through others, which translates into ‘I am because We are.’  The UBUNTU philosophy is premised on interconnectedness and that people rely on each other to MOVE from they are to where they want to be.

While families are made up of individuals, their challenges and successes are interdependent. By using the Whole Family Approach, family members work together to support each other’s goals and achieve long-term change and stability.

YTM Foundation acknowledges that it cannot operate in isolation and therefore fosters and establishes collaborative partnerships, with communities, local authorities, sponsors and donors to ensure support, for the programs and projects it is embarking upon.

Our Vision

“To be a sustainable, innovative local Partner for socio-economic transformation of vulnerable communities.”

Our Mision

“To be a dependable institution and through strategic partnerships empower vulnerable communities towards socio-economic resilience”.

Our Core Values

The YTM Foundation maintains the highest level of ethics, fairness, transparency, honesty and will hold itself accountable in how it conducts itself with the communities, partners and all stakeholders.

The YTM Foundation values people, hears them, acknowledges their diverse experiences, views, contributions and treats people with dignity and empathy.

The YTM Foundation endeavors to create new possibilities, explore alternatives and embrace sustainable change for targeted communities.

The YTM Foundation is genuinely concerned and cares about the needs of its targeted vulnerable communities and commit to jointly create opportunities to the socio-economic challenges.

The YTM Foundation remains accountable and transparent to its stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries by giving appropriate feedback, including regular audits of its operations and service delivery.


Support and build a solid foundation for children before school going age to ensure improved education achievement and progress.

Support and build a solid foundation for children before school going age to ensure improved education achievement and progress.

Support out of school youth into exploring and creating opportunities to learn and develop new skills to participate in income generating activities.

Support Men and Women to create income generating activities and to improve their families wellbeing.

Support with access to welfare services and basic food stuff.